Posts Tagged ‘Furniture’

Big Fluffy Corbeille Sofa by Edra


We adulate these big creamy sofas for their casual-contemporary attending and their comfortable feel. Forget “less is more”; the Corbeille big daybed from Edra, by artist Francesco Binfare, appearance creamy pillows you appetite to bore into, giving the couch its appropriate attending of colossal and comfortable abundance. The anatomy is fabricated from a braid of metal tubing, which cradles the cushions and you. The anatomy and cushions are accomplished in the aforementioned color, with the best of bolt and covering upholstery. For abundance and abreast style, we adulate the Corbeille sofa. For more info visit Edra.

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Children Luxury Bedrooms by Savio Firmino


Made for the little prince and angel of the house, these Notte Fatata affluence bedrooms for accouchement are what we like to alarm “fairytale furniture.” Italian aggregation Savio Firmino advised this abstracted accouchement bedchamber accumulating featuring affected curve and capacity like scrollwork and carvings. The band includes babyish cradles and big-kid beds, wardrobes, alteration tables, bedside tables, agitation chairs and more. This appliance is fabricated from affection copse and done in a distressed, aged accomplishment that’s eco-friendly and safe for the little ones. And while you ambition your little ones backward little a bit longer, they accept to abound up ancient and back they do, you’ll be ready. This able accumulating will abound with the kids to accommodated their alteration needs up until the age of 12 – a allotment that converts from cradle to bed is a abundant affair that will be handed bottomward and admired from bearing to generation! The kids are abiding to accept candied dreams, and so are you! For more information visit Savio Firmino.

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Hollywood Style Furniture by Christopher Guy


Go ahead, glam it up! This Hollywood style furniture by Christopher Guy features modern sophistication at its best.

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Capitone Chair by Nube – Sir armchair by Carlo Colombo


Invite a little archetypal French ability into your home with this capitone armchair by Nube. The Sir armchair by artist Carlo Colombo appearance a acceptable adipose bench with button account and cradled by a modern, arced enclosure. Choose from abreast finishes like veneered rosewood and a bright lacquered surface. The cool, apple-pie curve of the anatomy let the bench do the talking, which is accessible with buttoning or smooth, in covering or fabric. Accomplish a avant-garde account in your home with a blow of attitude – the Sir armchair would accomplish a abundant accession to your home library, den or the active room. Turn any allowance into a beautiful sitting room. More information is available at Nube.

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LED Lighted Tables e-Motion and Flat by Ozzio


For dining, absorbing or working, these LED afire tables by Ozzio accomplish a abundant accession to the avant-garde home. The Flat and e-Motion LED lit tables add a affable afterglow to the allowance while giving your amplitude a acceptable dosage of affected flair. The Flat coffee table is accessible in two heights with a bottle or lamix tabletop, which is adjustable by its self-braking, gas-lifting device. The e-Motion table appearance a abreast mirrored tabletop with an electric adjustable acme that takes you from 43 to 82 cm. Sliding ancillary extensions are as well available. LED under-lighting makes a avant-garde finishing touch. For work, play and aggregate in between, these LED tables are anatomic and fabulous! Check them out at Ozzio.

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Capitone Bed Flair by Poltrona Frau


We alarm it “Contemporary Capitone?” with a aberration – the Flair bed by Poltrona Frau is modeled on the acceptable French appliance appearance featuring covering or bolt upholstery ornamentally nailed and attached to sculptural copse frames. But this bed is fabricated with avant-garde appearance at the forefront. Its simple, aboveboard appearance is added by a characteristic design arrangement and dressed to affect in cream-colored covering ??“ just as comfortable as aboriginal Capitone, but in a abreast way. The Flair bed is accessible with a Capitone headboard only, or headboard and base. For more information, go to Poltrona Frau.

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Versace Bubble Sofa


Like its accouterment collections, Versace is demography appliance one footfall beyond. And allocution about ???dressed to impress??? ??“ your active allowance will about-face active with this chichi Versace Balloon Sofa arrogant its stuff. Whether it??™s their abnormal balloon appearance or their vibrant, alarming blush palette, these air-conditioned polyurethane cream sofas can yield your active allowance from ultra-contemporary minimalism to retro-modern alarm with a simple change of blush and material. These air-conditioned sofas appear with the best of bolt or covering upholstery, anniversary as abundant and costly as it looks. Like sitting on a cloud, these bendable sofas will become an burning hot-seat in your home. For more information, go to Versace Home.

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Sway Rocking Chair Can Hold More Than One

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Ready for a new rocking chair design? How about one that can change shapes and even accommodate more than one person at a time? The Sway rocking chair, designed by Markus Krauss, is one such project. This seating solution will rock you all day long and, in order to keep things interesting, it can offer you two different shapes that can better fit with your swaying needs. And in case you’ll want to share your sways with anyone else, well that’s possible too, since the Sway has the extra space other rocking chairs lack to let you sway with your better half. Via Markus Krauss

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Old World Bedroom Furniture Bohemian Bed in Modern Interpretation by Cinova Busnelli


What better place to introduce some classical romance to your home than in the bedroom? This modern interpretation of old world bedroom furniture by Cinova Busnelli brings a bit of the past into the present, with its embellished, tufted headboard and handmade with soft, sensual folds falling dramatically from the headboard and frame, right down to the floor. Choose from leather or woven-fabric draping, which is removable. Beneath its lush, plush dressing this dreamy bed is made of plywood and particleboard, and padded with polyurethane foam (CFC-free) and 100 per cent polyester fiber. Customize the bed with its adjustable height to suit your space and your sleep – high up or down low. The old world Bohemian bed is a nice addition to the matching Bohemian sofa! For more information visit Italian company Cinova Busnelli.

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Modular Patio Furniture Bitta by Kettal


Bitta is absolutely one of the best able appliance collections we’ve appear across. This modular patio appliance by Spanish aggregation Kettal will enhance your alfresco active spaces with a chichi appliance feel, and while it is meant for the outdoors, it can additionally accompany casual, care-free abundance to your calm active rooms. Whether central or out, this fresh weatherproof appliance is congenital to last, featuring aluminium frames, braided polyester and adequate cushions for chairs, loveseats and sofas, and tables topped with teak and bean to bear backbone and appearance in spades. Mix and bout these modular pieces to complete your active amplitude – ample or small, calm or out. For more information, visit Kettal.

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Elegant Dining Tables by Ign.Design


These affected dining tables by Ign.Design are appliance that borders on art. These high-grade solid copse tables by artists like Christiane von Savigny and Michael Stratmann accomplish the best of this acceptable material’s natural, chapped appeal, which contrasts elements like avant-garde metal and what the aggregation describes as “archaic” concrete. With a dozen banquet guests, these dining tables are a assertive chat amateur and absolutely possibly are the best allotment of actuality arrive for dinner. These large, abundant tables aloof may abduct the spotlight in the room. Complement them with your admired avant-garde art and some simple chairs. With a table like this, the centerpiece is optional. Check them out at Ign.Design.

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Unusual Loveseats by Porada


Show your home some absolute adulation with these abnormal loveseats by Italian appliance cast Porada. The Big Bea loveseat and the Bea batt by designers M. Marconato and T. Zappa accomplish a absolute brace indeed. The loveseat’s abreast copse frame, fabricated of solid ash, offers backbone and adherence while the upholstery adds brio to this piece. Choose from comfortable leather, or opt for the disposable bolt cover, and a leash of chichi and comfortable cushions to bore into. Accomplishment your active room, bedchamber or den off with Bea, an agreeable and beautiful armchair with a modern, brilliant-white lacquered accomplishment that screams composure and style. More information is available at Porada.

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Designer Solid Wood Bed Dream by Ign.Design


Ign.Design, who some ability alarm a adept in affiliation avant-garde art with avant-garde furniture, has done it afresh with this amazing artist solid copse bed. Aptly dubbed “Dream,” this dreamy, accustomed bed architecture by Andy Ehrensperger appearance a low-profile, freestanding anatomy of solid copse that looks as abundant pushed adjoin a bank as it does advanced and centermost in your room. The mattress and anatomy are perched on a smaller, stepped-in abject which creates the apparition of amphibian in mid-air. The smooth, arced curve of the anatomy answer in the chip bedside table – an able brace of trays, fabricated of the aforementioned copse and carved to a angled appearance for your admired bedtime account and a lamp. More information is available at Ign.Design.

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Glamour Furniture by Hancock & Moore


Modern appliance cast Hancock & Moore abiding knows how to glam it up! This attraction appliance accumulating will add burning attraction to every room. The appropriately called Exquisite Sofa (above) boasts an elegant, alpine aback with buttoning adorning its smooth, adaptable covering upholstery. New this season, the comfortable Lola Metal covering inback and armrests, and the Dustin Steele bolt outback and bench accompaniment the affluent Java copse finish. On a abate but appropriately alluring scale, the Achieve Ottoman is absolutely an accomplishment. The Segovia Flame red-leather upholstery boasts an arresting arrangement that will add burning ability to any active area. The Achieve Ottoman is accessible in a ambit of hot hues to accompaniment nay decor. Another abundant allotment in this abreast accumulating is the Picabo Armchair (below). While baby is size, this air-conditioned armchair adds a big hit of attraction to your home with its covering upholstery in an arresting reptile-skin print, befuddled blush and its high-sheen, bleary finish. And if you adulation the Picabo, you’ve got to see the Herdon Wing Chair. This adult bench boasts a balmy Vienna copse ability complemented by Serengeti Dusk Burnished leather. The attending is ideal for a adult library or home office. On the feminine side, the Lansing Armchair is added sculptural, with aerial carved-wood detail in a affable Driftwood finish. The Old Croc Smoke covering is bendable to the attending and to the touch, and would attending abundant in a sitting allowance or bedroom. For more gorgeous glamour furniture, visit Hancock & Moore.

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