Funky Floor Lamps Morlein by Angelika
We just love these funky floor lamps by Angelika Morlein. Inspired by the Grand Hotel frequenters, these floor lamps would make a fashionable and fun addition to any room in your home. This new collection includes all the hotel regulars – Brigitte, the French damme dressed in a pastel pink dress with pleats and ruches; Natasha, the Russian femme fatale clad in a pleated dress made of black chiffon; Chef Enrico, always recognizable in his crisp, white shirt and dark-grey Trevira-fabric apron adorned with real chef’s buttons; then there’s Gio the waiter and Miriam Miriam the chambermaid, dressed in classic black and white. These funky shades are removable and dry-cleanable, so they will always look their best. Dress your home in the finest and bring a touch of the Grand Hotel grandeur to your home. More information is available at Fabio Luciani.
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