Meccanica Kitchen with fabric doors


Italian kitchen company Demode is taking a softer approach to the culinary workspace with the Meccanica Kitchen, boasting fabric doors and a modern “dematerialized” design. But that’s not to say this contemporary kitchen has lost its edge! Created by interior designer Gabriele Centazzo and engineered by Valcucine, the Meccanica Kitchen reduces the amount of materials used, thus upping the eco factor and resulting in a slim, sleek aesthetic design ideas for your designer homes. This kitchen features a tubular iron frame outfitted with thin glass shelves and innovative fabric doors which are stain-resistant, removable and washable. The various modular elements can easily be assembled and dismantled as needed, customizable to any sized space. Another cool feature – it’s 100 per cent recyclable. And while function is at the forefront, fashion doesn’t take the back burner in this kitchen. In true Euro fashion, Meccanica stands out for its elegant, minimalist design, with a place for everything and everything in its place. Check this new idea and other ideas for home design by visiting Demode.






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