Small Red Sofa by Raison Pure

This cool small red sofa is by Raison Pure Design Studio. As nicely put by Mocoloco: “Escape to the other side of the mirror when you hide behind the Double Je (double me) sofa from R’ Pure Studio. From behind, the sofa disappears into its surroundings, a reflection of its environment, while the user disappears into its contours. Perfect for a time where we choose to reveal too much”. In any case, some people will find this small sofa quite practical. The mirror obviously helps to ‘hide’ it, possibly making the interior look less busy plus creating some unusual effect. Contact Raison Pure for details.

A 2 seater red sofa looks perfect as part of a living room set. It will match the rest of the furniture completely and provide additional seating. This type of sofa is the perfect place to sit and relax and read or watch TV. Some models have reclining features built in, where each seat reclines independently of the other and there are some models that have even a rocking feature built in.

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