Dream Bathroom Designs by Etrusca
If you dreamed of actuality Cinderella as a little babe again you’ll adulation these fairytale-like bathrooms by Etrusca. It’s what we like to alarm a dream bathroom, but clashing the fairytale these Italian bath designs accept blockage power! That’s not to say they’re aloof – anniversary allotment has its attenuate nuances, some not so subtle. (Check out the silver-and-pink cardinal – wow!) Anniversary vanity has the aforementioned romantic, sculptural silhouette, complemented by acclaim angled legs. Accomplish your account by allotment your chiffonier color, countertop and bore to set the appearance in your space. This accumulating takes you from traditional, to modern, to… whatever you appetite it to be. The knobs and pulls alike with a framed, wall-mounted mirror. Choose your accouterments wisely – it can accomplish a absolute aberration in the attending you achieve! For luxury, breeding or blue fun, the Cinderella bathrooms action a appearance for every taste. Check it out at Etrusca.
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